Everything nice baking co.

Our company values are oriented towards positive social connections between friends, family, roommates through baking and enjoying fresh, delicious and flavorful cookies. With the Spiced Cookie Baking Mix, we would be able to achieve this goal. Our mission through business is to provide the most delicious cookie at the most affordable price. We hope to bring individuals together through the collective interest of cookie baking. This product is a mix of dry ingredients that when an egg, butter, and a little bit of milk are mixed in, creates a wonderfully warm and spiced cookie dough that will appeal to all cookie lovers! Each bag contains roughly 1.7 cups of dry mix, which produces around 24 cookies depending on the size that the individual creates the balls of dough before baking. The front of the bag will have the company logo, the name of the product, and list the spices included. The label on the back of the bag will contain the ingredients, at least one set of directions (could potentially be two sets of directions but this is contingent on the success of recipe testing the baking mix as a microwavable cookie as well). Along with the ingredients and instructions there will be a “use by” date as well as storage instructions.



Business Name: Everything Nice Baking Co.

Business Email: everythingnicebaking485@gmail.com



